BIG IDEA | "We advise Japan to stay away from the Taiwan question. The deeper it is embroiled in, the bigger the price it will pay." Communist Party-backed Global Times' editorial.
'China is still weighing its options, but it will likely step up various pressures against Japan moving forward.'
‘Four days after Japan and the U.S. issued a joint leaders' statement that mentioned Taiwan for the first time in 52 years, Chinese President Xi Jinping broke his silence at the Boao Forum for Asia on Tuesday, railing against what he saw as foreign meddling.’
- ‘ "Bossing others around or meddling in others' internal affairs would not get one any support," Xi said at his keynote speech for the event.’
‘China's response to the Taiwan statement has been relatively restrained, all things considered. Still, Xi's remark was not the first sign of Chinese dissatisfaction.’
- ‘ "We advise Japan to stay away from the Taiwan question," the Communist Party-backed Global Times had said in a recent editorial. "The deeper it is embroiled in, the bigger the price it will pay." ’
‘ "Since the summit, China now sees Japan as a U.S. partner, and believes they are mounting a joint challenge against Beijing," Bonji Ohara, a senior fellow at the Tokyo-based Sasakawa Peace Foundation, said.’
- ‘ "China is still weighing its options, but it will likely step up various pressures against Japan moving forward." ’
- ‘Japanese businesses would likely bear the brunt of the blow.’