
South China Sea & Taiwan

'It would not be accurate to say China claims the entire South China Sea as its sovereign territory because the Chinese are unclear about what exactly their claim is and what it is based on.'



May 2, 2020
South China Sea & Taiwan


1. SOUTH CHINA SEA: China's Claims

2. SOUTH CHINA SEA: China's Energy Intimidation


1. TAIWAN: China Ramps Up Intimidation

2. TAIWAN: Is Now the Time for China to Invade?

3. TAIWAN: Could China Conquer Taiwan?

4. TAIWAN: Will the U.S. Defend Taiwan?


1. SOUTH CHINA SEA: China's Claims

For more on China's claims, read the 501- page ruling, 'IN THE MATTER OF THE SOUTH CHINA SEA ARBITRATION.'

'It would not be accurate to say China claims the entire South China Sea as its sovereign territory because the Chinese are unclear about what exactly their claim is and what it is based on.'

Malcolm Riddell: ‘How do the Chinese justify their claims in the South China Sea?’

Bonnie Glaser: ‘The Chinese have never really made clear - I would say they are deliberately ambiguous - about what their claims are.’

  • ‘So it would not be accurate to say China claims the entire South China Sea as its sovereign territory because the Chinese are unclear about what exactly their claim is and what it is based on.'
  • 'And that applies to the Nine-Dash-Line (above) that China uses to assert sovereignty.’

‘The Chinese have said the South China Sea is historically theirs, based on their discovery of the islands, their naming of the islands, they're using of the islands.’

  • ‘The Chinese have asserted that because they were there first, that they have rights to fish or rights to energy, regardless where those take place in the South China sea.’

‘But the Philippines brought a suit against China disputing its claims.’

  • ‘And a July 2016 ruling by an arbitral tribunal, formed under the Convention on the Law of the Sea, found in favor of the Philippines; China rejected the ruling.’

‘Among other things, the tribunal found.’

  • ‘that China's “Nine-Dash Line” is invalid.’
  • ‘that historic rights - in this particular instance in the Spratlys - is not the basis for a legal claim.’
  • ‘that China’s assertion of a 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone around these land features because they were islands is invalid.’

'So, the most China can claim now is in accordance with this ruling, even though it rejected it.’

  • ‘The Chinese are trying to come up with a claim of 12 nautical miles of exclusive territorial sea around the islands - not a blatant violation.’
  • ‘The United States challenges even these claims by sailing inside and through them.’

2. SOUTH CHINA SEA: China's Energy Intimidation


‘When any of these countries has tried to survey for oil or drill for oil, China has very quickly responded and intimidated them from doing so.’

Malcolm Riddell: ‘What is China’s position on oil & gas exploration and drilling in the South China Sea?’

Bonnie Glaser: ‘China considers the South China sea to be a core interest.’

  • ‘We have seen over the last few years that China is pursuing its objective of gaining control over activities in the South China sea.’

‘In most instances, the Chinese are relying on paramilitary forces and maritime militia really to advance their administrative control and to prevent other countries - other claimants in the region – from developing new oil and gas sources.’

  • ‘The countries that are really the targets are the Philippines, Malaysia, and Vietnam.’

‘When any of these countries has tried to survey for oil or drill for oil, China has very quickly responded and intimidated them from doing so.’

  • ‘This is really to signal that China is no longer going to tolerate anything other than joint development.’
  • ‘If a country wants to survey for oil or drill, it's going to have to do so jointly with a state-run Chinese company.’

Malcolm: ‘How does China intimidate these countries?’

Bonnie: ‘Well, for example, in the last just a couple of months we’ve yet another episode of China's intimidation taking place off the coast of Malaysia.’

  • ‘Here’s what is happening.’

‘In December, a Malaysian state-run energy company contracted a vessel to explore two areas in the South China Sea, off the Malaysian coast, where has an extended continental shelf claim.‘

  • ‘This is in an area that is claimed not only by Malaysia but also by China and Vietnam. Both China of those countries sent ships.’

‘The Chinese sent a survey ship, the Hai Yang Di Zhi 8.’

  • ‘This ship is well-known.’
  • ‘Last year, it was operating last year off the coast of Vietnam, surveying inside of Vietnam's exclusive economic zone, because China was angry about drilling operations that were going on off the coast of Vanguard Bank.’

‘The United States has sent two Navy ships over the past week to these waters near Malaysia.’

  • ‘There is a report that these ships are operating within 50 nautical miles of the Malaysian ship that's there.’

‘The United States doesn't take a position on sovereignty in the South China sea in any of these sovereignty disputes – other than supporting the arbitral tribunal’s ruling in favor of the Philippines again China.’

  • ‘But this is a rare moment where the United States has signaled that it is concerned about Chinese bullying.’
  • ‘We saw once in 2014, the United States had sent a reconnaissance plane, a PA to overfly Second Thomas Shoal when the Chinese were intimidating the Philippines.’
  • ‘Thatwas a very far over a land feature, not a Navy ship close by.’


1. TAIWAN: China Ramps Up Intimidation

‘Ever since President Tsai Ing-wen was reelected in Taiwan in January, we have seen Beijing ramp up pressure on Taiwan both diplomatically and militarily.’

Malcolm Riddell: ‘What are you seeing in Taiwan cross-strait relations these days?’

Bonnie Glaser: ‘Ever since President Tsai Ing-wen was reelected in Taiwan in January, we have seen Beijing ramp up pressure on Taiwan both diplomatically and militarily.’

‘On the diplomatic side, Taiwan has done a pretty good job of combating COVID-19 and has done so with technology and without shutting down schools or businesses – and is using this to promote itself.’

  • ‘That has led Beijing to be quite concerned about international support for Taiwan to rejoin the World Health Assembly, where it used to be an observer, and about international support expanding more broadly.’
  • ‘Within China, I expect the government is blocking information about Taiwan success - it doesn’t want people in China to see that a Chinese-organized society and democratic polity like Taiwan has been successful.’

‘On the military side, we are seeing a lot more Chinese military exercises against Taiwan.'

  • ‘New things, like the first ever 36-hour endurance nighttime exercise held by the PLA air force.’
  • ‘And large numbers of Chinese aircraft are crossing the centerline in the Taiwan Strait.
  • ‘All in all, a much higher volume and tempo of activities than we had seen prior to the election.'

2. TAIWAN: Is Now the Time for China to Invade?

‘I do not believe that China is going to seize U.S. distraction from the pandemic to invade Taiwan.’

Malcolm Riddell: ‘With the United States and the world distracted by the pandemic, do you see a potential for China to take advantage of to ramp up intimidation on Taiwan or even invade?’

Bonnie Glaser: ‘The U.S. military is mindful of the fact that the PLA might see that its preparedness is not quite what it usually is, given the large number of infections that we've seen in the U.S. military.’

  • ‘And there has been some signaling going on to the PLA to not take advantage of this situation and not miscalculate.’

‘One example:There have been two U.S. Navy transits through the Taiwan Strait already this month [April] - usually they're held once a month.’

  • ‘The Trump administration has made these public – in contrast, the Obama administration did not.’
  • ‘We also saw the B-52 bomber flights after some of the rather provocative Chinese military exercises that were taking place earlier this month.’

‘I do not believe that China is going to seize this opportunity to invade Taiwan.’

  • ‘The risks to China remain quite high, and there is no guarantee that the PLA will succeed.'
  • ‘Also Xi Jinping is consumed with domestic challenges.’

‘That said, I do think that China sees an opportunity to intimidate Taiwan more now - which is what they are doing.’

  • ‘We also see examples of this in Hong Kong and in the South China Sea.’
  • ‘So China’s bullying and intimidation are not limited to Taiwan.’

3. TAIWAN: Could China Conquer Taiwan?

'It's very hard to take over an island - that's of course what Taiwan is.’

Malcolm Riddell: ‘It was conventional wisdom for a great deal of my life, but China didn't possess the capabilities even if it had the will to retake Taiwan. What do you think now?’

Bonnie Glaser: ‘If you just look at the military balance between China and Taiwan, there is no doubt that China has military superiority.’

  • ‘But it's very hard to take over an island - that's of course what most of Taiwan is.’
  • ‘The largest island China could seize is Jinmen or Matsu. It might go after Taiping Island, which is the one land feature that Taiwan occupies in the South China Sea.’
  • ‘But taking over the island of Taiwan itself would be difficult for China.’

‘They are making progress but are still lagging behind in some capabilities.’

  • ‘In amphibious landing capabilities they're definitely catching up - for a while it wasn't a PLA priority, but now it is.’  
  • ‘China would be able to prevent Taiwan from dominating the airspace - it can probably take out Taiwan's fighter fleet. But if Taiwan continues to build its capabilities, for example, in numbers of surface-to-air missiles, it could prevent China from gaining that military superiority in the airspace.’
  • ‘China as good anti-submarine warfare capabilities, which would be against the United States, but also Taiwan.’

‘But even if the Chinese were able to land on the beach and somehow establish control, what would it take to control the entire island? Would there be an insurgency?’

  • ‘Maybe we need to draw some lessons from the protests in Hong Kong.’

‘The young people in Hong Kong are willing to stand up for their freedom. They've been willing to fight in the streets.’

  • ‘Some people think that the young people in Taiwan would not. I'm not so sure.’

‘The young people in Taiwan have grown up in a free society (which of course has only existed since really around 1990).’

  • ‘I think that maybe people – young and old - would fight in order to preserve it.’

4. TAIWAN: Will the U.S. Defend Taiwan?

‘That is my fervent hope.’

Malcolm Riddell: ‘If China did invade Taiwan, what would the U.S. do?’

Bonnie Glaser: ‘There are several factors that that might precipitate a U.S. intervention.’

  • ‘But we'd have to consider how this conflict started.’

‘If it were unprovoked and the Chinese just out of the blue decided we're impatient, we want to take over Taiwan, now is the time.’

  • ‘Yes, I think that the United States would come to Taiwan.’  
  • ‘It becomes a little bit more complicated if Taiwan has taken an action that provoked Beijing - perhaps an action that the United States even discouraged Taiwan from taking.’

‘The other factor is the American public's attitudes towards China - we don't know if Americans would really support the us coming to the defense of Taiwan.’

  • ‘In the past, public opinion polls have not shown that a vast majority of Americans would support it.’
  • ‘But today, we can look at the most recent poll this week showing that 66% of Americans now have a negative view of China.’
  • ‘Now, maybe that is to some extent specific to the COVID-19 So we'll have to see if that holds.’  

‘The strongest advocate of coming to Taiwan's defense is going to be the U.S. Congress.’

  • ‘And they matter.’

‘So I'm of the view that - given the trajectory of American attitudes towards China, and if Taiwan continues to elect leaders, like its current president, who are unprovocative and are just trying to preserve the status quo and Taiwan's autonomy - it is very likely that the U.S. government, Congress, and  American people would support intervention on Taiwan's behalf if China attacked.’

Malcolm Riddell: ‘That is my fervent hope.’



February 2, 2017
AmCham China Chairmen's View From China in D.C. 2017
[AmCham China & CHINADebate U.S.—China Trade/Business Series 2017] Terrific insights from leaders on the ground in China. While in D.C. the Chairmen joined us in a panel discussion and individual interviews about U.S. business in China, U.S.-China relations, trade, and much more. We present their views in a 13 part series. Sheryl WuDunn, business executive, lecturer, best-selling author, and winner of the Pulitzer Prize moderated.
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February 1, 2017
'Chinese Politics In The Xi Jinping Era'
[Malcolm Riddell Interviewed Cheng Li] 'If you ask any taxi driver in Beijing, Shanghai, or Guangzhou, he or she will tell you – with accuracy – which leader belongs to which faction. : 'China is a one–party state, but that does not necessarily mean Chinese leadership is a monolithic group with leaders who have the same ideas, same background, same world views, same politics. No, they're divided.'
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March 11, 2021
China, Ai, & the Coming U.S. Industrial Policy
‘The government will have to orchestrate policies to promote innovation; protect industries and sectors critical to national security; recruit and train talent; incentivize domestic research, development, and production across a range of technologies deemed essential for national security and economic prosperity; and marshal coalitions of allies and partners to support democratic norms.'
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March 11, 2021
'Why Biden Should Ditch Trump’s China Tariffs'
‘President Joe Biden has to decide whether to rescind his predecessor’s China tariffs.’
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March 11, 2021
Then There are Semiconductors
‘While American companies pioneered semiconductors and still dominate chip design, many have outsourced the actual fabrication of chips, mostly to Asia.’
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March 11, 2021
'Hard lesson for HK opposition: Extreme political confrontation is not in the designs of China'
'The radical forces in Hong Kong thought they were strong!’
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March 11, 2021
'China Turns to Elon Musk as Technology Dreams Sour'
‘China is having its techlash moment. The country’s internet giants, once celebrated as engines of economic vitality, are now scorned for exploiting user data, abusing workers and squelching innovation. Jack Ma, co-founder of the e-commerce titan Alibaba, is a fallen idol, with his companies under government scrutiny for the ways they have secured their grip over the world’s second-largest economy.’
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March 11, 2021
For Industrial Policy: National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan
‘While American companies pioneered semiconductors and still dominate chip design, many have outsourced the actual fabrication of chips, mostly to Asia.’
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March 10, 2021
'Beijing replicates its South China Sea tactics in the Himalayas'
‘Emboldened by its cost-free expansion in the South China Sea, Chinese President Xi Jinping’s regime has stepped up efforts to replicate that model in the Himalayas.'
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March 10, 2021
'China Crackdown on Hong Kong'
‘The scale of the protests really shook Beijing. All the previous protest movements had lasted a few months, at most. This time, there was huge support, and it wasn’t dying down on its own.’
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March 9, 2021
'Neither China nor the US fits neatly into any one box’ Yuen Yuen Ang
‘Binary narratives lie behind the common misconception that China’s economic success has vindicated autocracy. (The simplistic logic is that if China is not a democracy, it must be an autocracy, and when it prospers, that prosperity must be because of its autocracy). For liberal democracies, this raises the fear that the “China model” poses an ideological challenge to democracy.’
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March 7, 2021
Part 2 | 'How Biden Can Learn From History in Real Time' Copy
‘ “International relations scholars,” the political scientist Daniel Drezner has written, “are certain about two facts:'
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March 7, 2021
How the WTO Changed China
'WTO membership, the new consensus goes, has allowed China access to the American and other global economies without forcing it to truly change its behavior, with disastrous consequences for workers and wages around the world.’
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March 7, 2021
With growth on track, China starts to unwind stimulus
‘China was the first country to open its lending and spending taps in the face of the coronavirus downturn. Now, it is the first to start to close them, giving others a partial preview at the National People’s Congressof what the end of stimulus will look like. The most notable aspect is its gradualism.’
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March 6, 2021
'Taper test - With growth on track, China starts to unwind stimulus'
‘China was the first country to open its lending and spending taps in the face of the coronavirus downturn. Now, it is the first to start to close them, giving others a partial preview at the National People’s Congressof what the end of stimulus will look like. The most notable aspect is its gradualism.’
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March 5, 2021
Nursing China’s Debt Hangover
‘China official target of 6% annual economic growth, announced Friday, is so modest it’s clear something else is going on. A plausible theory is that this is part of a strategy to rein in debt.’
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March 4, 2021
China & the U.S.: Getting Each Other Wrong
China and the U.S. seem to be in the process of reassessing their views of each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Xi Jinping appears to be seeking some balance in his assessment of the U.S. And analysts in the U.S. have reversed a trend of opinion that ‘China is inexorably rising and on the verge of overtaking a faltering United States.' They argue instead ‘the United States has good reason to be confident about its ability to compete with China.’
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March 4, 2021
'NATO's Shifting Focus to China'
‘Consider, for example, a war escalating over the defense of Taiwan. “We should not forget that the main member state in NATO, the United States, is not only a transatlantic nation, but also a Pacific nation. And the question is, if at a certain stage, the U.S. were to be threatened by China, would that invoke Article 5 in the treaty?"'
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March 3, 2021
Missing: Has anyone seen Europe’s China plan?
‘Caught between Washington and Beijing, European capitals find themselves in lack of a strategic China policy.’
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February 28, 2021
Why Beijing was right to rein in Jack Ma's rogue Ant Group IPO
‘In July 2020, just before their IPO application, Ant Financial not only abandoned the word "financial" and renamed themselves Ant Group, they attempted to list not on the Shanghai or Shenzhen exchanges, where financial institutions list, but rather on the Shanghai STAR Market, which was created as an exchange for high-tech innovators.’
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February 27, 2021
The rivalry between America and China will hinge on South-East Asia
‘In the rivalry between China and America, there will be a main zone of contention: South-East Asia. Of the two competitors, China looks the more likely prize-winner.'
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February 26, 2021
'Inside Xinjiang’s Prison State'
‘After years of first denying the facilities’ existence, then claiming that they had closed, Chinese officials now say the camps are “vocational education and training centers,” necessary to rooting out “extreme thoughts” and no different from correctional facilities in the United States or deradicalization centers in France.’
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February 24, 2021
Japan Is the New Leader of Asia’s Liberal Order
‘In an era of Chinese bellicosity, North Korean provocations, and a raging pandemic, Japan’s inconspicuous ascent to regional leadership has gone mostly unnoticed.’
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February 23, 2021
‘Patriots’ Only: Beijing Plans Overhaul of Hong Kong’s Elections
‘China plans to impose restrictions on Hong Kong’s electoral system to root out candidates the Communist Party deems disloyal, a move that could block democracy advocates in the city from running for any elected office.’
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February 23, 2021
HSBC offers lesson in corporate realpolitik
‘HSBC’s Asia pivot is a lesson in corporate realpolitik. It is just as much a recognition of the new political reality facing every western company that is dependent on doing business with China. Businesses will have to choose between western markets and access to China, and between liberal and authoritarian value systems.’
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February 23, 2021
Germany Is a Flashpoint in the U.S.-China Cold War
'As goes Germany, so goes Europe — and that’s a real challenge for the U.S. Berlin leads a European bloc that could cast a geopolitical swing vote in the U.S.-China rivalry.’
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February 22, 2021
Remaking “Made in China”: Beijing’s Industrial Internet Ambitions
‘The Chinese government is placing large bureaucratic and financial bets on upgrading and digitizing its already dominant manufacturing base. Such efforts have coalesced around one key term: the “industrial internet” (工业互联网). The successful application of it across Chinese industry would prolong and elevate the “Made in China” era.’
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February 22, 2021
How American Free Trade Can Outdo China
‘When it comes to trade, a critical dimension of the U.S. and China competition, America is ceding the field. At the same time, China has expanded its trade footprint. When it comes to trade and investment agreements, China isn’t isolated. The U.S. increasingly is. Now we have to make up for lost ground. America can out-compete China, but first it needs to get back in the game.’
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February 21, 2021
China’s ‘two sessions’: why this year’s event is so important for Xi Jinping’s vision for the future
‘The ‘Two Sessions,’ the annual meeting of the National People’s Congress, the country’s legislature, and the top political advisory body, the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, begins on March 5 and runs for about two weeks.’
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February 20, 2021
‘The Future of China’s Past: Rising China’s Next Act'
‘By the Party’s own acknowledgment, Deng’s initial arrangement has run its course. It is therefore time to develop a new understanding that will do for the Party in the next 30 years what Deng’s program did in the previous era.'
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February 20, 2021
‘UNDERSTANDING DECOUPLING: Macro Trends and Industry Impacts’
‘Comprehensive decoupling is no longer viewed as impossible: if the current trajectory of U.S. decoupling policies continues, a complete rupture would in fact be the most likely outcome. This prospect remains entirely plausible under the Biden administration.’
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February 20, 2021
‘Europe can’t stay neutral in US-China standoff’
‘China aims to create a world that is not safe for Europe — strategically, economically or ideologically. Xi is actively striving to undermine the stature of democracies in the global order. The more power China amasses, the less tolerant it will become with any government that won’t toe its line. China also represents a long-term economic threat to Europe — not merely because it is an advancing competitor in a global market economy, but because Beijing’s policies are designed to use and abuse that open world economy to eventually dominate it.
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February 20, 2021
‘Beat China: Targeted Decoupling and the Economic Long War'
‘The economy is the primary theater of our conflict with China. It is now clear that the U.S. and Chinese economies are too entangled, particularly in critical sectors such as medicine, defense, and technology.'
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February 19, 2021
‘No, China is not the EU’s top trading partner'
‘This week the media seized on a report by Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical agency, to declare that China surpassed the United States in 2020 to become the EU’s main trade partner. This is simply not true.’
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February 18, 2021
‘China faces fateful choices, especially involving Taiwan’
'Should Mr Xi order the People’s Liberation Army to take Taiwan, his decision will be shaped by one judgment above all: whether America can stop him. If China ever believes it can complete the task at a bearable cost, it will act.’ ‘
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February 18, 2021
'An Unsentimental China Policy'
'Jake Sullivan, wrote in Foreign Affairs in 2019, “The era of engagement with China has come to an unceremonious close.”Yet it is worth remembering what engaging China was all about.’ For most of the past half century, efforts to improve ties with the country were not about transforming it. Judged by its own standards, U.S. engagement with China succeeded. It was only after the Cold War that a desire to change China became a prominent objective of U.S. policy.’
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