
'Jack Ma Misreads Xi Jinping'

Where in the World is Jack Ma?

"The reason why Jack Ma and others could build enormous Internet companies is because the Party had no idea what they were doing. They became famous globally and made China look very good, but then the Party had to figure out how to get their arms around them."

Neil Thomas


The China Wire

January 16, 2021
'Jack Ma Misreads Xi Jinping'
At the Bund Summit on October 24th, Ma called China’s financial regulators a “geriatric club.” Since then, analysts called his speech the most expensive in history.

‘Analysts say the shift away from private enterprises is a sign Beijing felt that the private sector was getting ahead of the Party’s ability to control things.’

'Beijing has grown increasingly suspicious of powerful business elites.'

  • 'Under a new paramount leader, Xi Jinping, the Party has begun to exert greater control over the private sector, with plans announced last September to cultivate a “backbone team” of business executives who “unswervingly follow the Party” and cooperate in “major national strategies.” '

'There’s little doubt that business elites who defy the Party will be dealt with harshly.'

  • 'In recent years, Beijing has hunted down entrepreneurs, seized their assets, and broken up and occasionally even nationalized firms deemed a systemic risk to the economy.'
  • 'In Hong Kong, the authorities kidnapped the billionaire Xiao Jianhua from the Four Seasons Hotel and then smuggled him across the border into mainland China, before dismantling his financial empire.'
  • 'Just last week, the government handed down a life sentence for one corrupt state executive and a death sentence to another.'

‘The Chinese Communist Party, of course, has never been entirely comfortable with capitalists.’

  • ‘Throughout its 71-year-history, even when the Party has relied heavily on market-driven growth, it has viewed private firms as a source of inequality, a rival to state enterprises, and perhaps an independent force that could undermine Party rule.’

‘ “The Party likes to control everything,” says Bruce J. Dickson of George Washington University.’

  • ‘ “They worry about independent sources of wealth as a threat to the government. And there are two ways of dealing with that threat: you co-opt it or you crush it.” ’

‘China, through the decades, has done both.’

  • ‘It has invited businessmen to become members of the Communist Party, when that suited the goals of the leadership.’

‘And it has ousted and imprisoned them in strikingly large numbers, and then publicly pilloried them, as Jack Ma is now experiencing.’

  • ‘Perhaps no other nation has arrested more billionaires and brought them to heel.’

‘Analysts say the shift away from private enterprises is a sign Beijing felt that the private sector was getting ahead of the Party’s ability to control things.’

  • ‘They say Beijing is now reasserting control over the economy and private entrepreneurs, bringing to an end a decades-long period of free-wheeling capitalism and globe-trotting business tycoons.’

‘The Party has generally succeeded in eliciting support from entrepreneurs by giving them a greater stake in the system.’

  • ‘But as the private sector has ballooned in China — private firms comprised 84 percent of all companies in 2018, up from 17 percent in 1996 — the Party has felt its influence over business wane.’
  • ‘A 2017 study by the Unirule Institute of Economics, a Chinese think tank since shut down by Beijing, found that 92 percent of private entrepreneurs believed political involvement helped their business, but only a small minority actually cared about the political goals of the Party.’

‘For Xi, such ambivalence is alarming.’

  • ‘He has been clear about the need for risk-taking executives to respect control-oriented policies, including new regulations that strengthen United Front work in private firms and stress the need for “ideological and political education” of entrepreneurs.’

‘He has also made moves to elevate the role of corporate Party committees from simply organizing political trainings for a firm’s Party members to “monitoring” whether business choices respect Party policy.’

  • ‘To that end, his campaign to achieve “comprehensive coverage” of Party committees in private firms has led to is the strictest supervision since the Mao era.’
  • ‘According to an official survey, the proportion of private firms with Party committees rose from just 4 percent in 1993 to 48.3 percent in 2018, with a growth rate that’s more than doubled under Xi.’

"The reason why Jack Ma and others could build enormous Internet companies is because the Party had no idea what they were doing. They became famous globally and made China look very good, but then the Party had to figure out how to get their arms around them."

‘Even Jack Ma, the country’s best-known entrepreneur, seems to have fallen out of favor with the Party.’

  • ‘He’s been upbraided by Beijing and denounced in state media.’
  • ‘Xi is reported to have personally intervened to cancel the global stock offering of Ma’s Ant Group on the eve of what was expected to be the biggest IPO in history, following a strident speech Ma made in October.’
  • ‘In the aftermath, banking and antitrust regulators are threatening to carve up parts of Ma’s $400 billion empire amid reports the 56-year-old internet tycoon has gone missing.’

‘It was the fall of 2020, and Jack Ma had reason to worry.’

  • ‘Recent moves by Beijing would tighten controls on digital finance and could stymie the business model of his digital payments company, Ant Group.’
  • ‘With Ant’s upcoming debut on Shanghai’s STAR market expected to be the biggest in history — a record $37 billion listing — Ma felt like he should speak up.’

‘At the Bund Forum in Shanghai last October, he blasted China’s financial regulators as a “geriatric club” and argued that the tools they were using to control China’s financial system were misguided and out of touch.’

  • ‘The imposition of reserve requirements on micro-lenders such as Ant, he said, would be like “feeding dementia medication meant for seniors to a child suffering from polio.” ’
  • ‘People close to Ma told Reuters that he rejected suggestions to soften his remarks at the Bund Forum because the tech titan believed that “he should be able to say what he wanted.” ’

‘After Ma’s speech, Xi ordered an investigation into Ant’s lending practices, and just two days before Ant’s planned debut on November 5, the Shanghai Stock Exchange suspended Ant’s listing — the stated reason being the sudden approval (with Xi’s blessing) of tough new rules that require Ant to guarantee up to $20 billion more of its loans.’

  • ‘In a sensational report published in late December, The Wall Street Journal said that just before the authorities canceled the Ant Group IPO in November, Jack Ma offered to hand over to the government parts of his online financial emporium.'
  • ‘Then a week later, Beijing also announced antitrust measures for tech firms.’
  • ‘Ant’s market valuation, by one estimate, has been halved.’

‘Ma is a Party member and once boasted to fellow entrepreneurs about his closeness with Xi Jinping.’

  • ‘But while the national business hero has prevailed against regulators in the past, observers say his speech contravened the prevailing wisdom for business leaders in China since Rong’s time.’
  • ‘That is, “serve the Party — within whatever limits the current Party line allows, but don’t get too far out in front,” says Jerome A. Cohen, a legal scholar.’
  • ‘ “Towing the party-line in public statements is safer than expressing independent opinions about China’s political economy,” says Kellee S. Tsai, a professor at Hong Kong University of Science & Technology.’
  • ‘ “Look what happened to Ren Zhiqiang [the real estate tycoon recently sentenced to 18 years in prison for criticizing the Party].” ’

‘But in addition to brazen contempt for Party officials, Ma’s transgression was made worse by his seeming obliviousness to the Party’s economic goals, which have shifted considerably in recent years.’

  • ‘In 2015, a stock market crisis combined with unexpectedly volatile experiments in RMB devaluation “played a huge role in convincing Xi Jinping that the private sector was not under control, that the Party-State had not even close to sufficient insight into what corporate finance was like in China and into what financial innovation was happening,” says Harvard’s Meg Rithmire.’

‘De-risking China’s debt-laden financial system became one of Xi’s top priorities.’

  • ‘Even though Ma may be right about the need for more innovation in China’s financial sector, Rithmire says his speech highlighted how the fissures between profit-maximization and Party priorities have widened in recent years.’
  • ‘ “It used to be that, within limits, capitalists were allowed to do what they wanted to do because their pursuit of profits was producing economic growth for China,” Rithmire says.’
  • ‘ “But things changed once the Party-State started to see them as a potential source of financial risk, and therefore as a potential source of risk to social stability. For a long time, we thought that growth was the bottom line for the CCP, but the bottom line is actually social stability.”’

‘ “The reason why Jack Ma and others could build enormous Internet companies is because the Party had no idea what they were doing,” says Jim McGregor of APCO China.'

  • ' “They became famous globally and made China look very good, but then the Party had to figure out how to get their arms around them.” ’

‘Xi, of course, is not Mao.’

  • ‘He believes the private sector is an “intrinsic element” of China’s economy and refers to entrepreneurs as “our people.” ’
  • ‘Xi does not want to socialize business; he mostly wants private firms to support Party policies.’
  • ‘And if the decision to rein in Ma is any indication, he will likely succeed.’



October 31, 2022
Xi's China: 'less reliable, less predictable, and less efficient'
‘China’s predictability is being eroded by the frequent, erratic policy shifts that have taken place in recent months, such as the unexpected disruptions to power supplies that took place in 2021, and the sudden mass lockdowns that were imposed in an attempt to contain COVID.'
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October 18, 2022
Xi Jinping: ‘Crossing a threshold to outright dictatorship?’'
The view from inside China appears to be quite different. Yes, the Chinese people may grumble about the Zero-COVID lockdowns, and just a few days a banner critical of Mr. Xi and his regime was unveiled over an overpass in Beijing.
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October 10, 2022
The 20th Party Congress with All Eyes are on Xi Jinping
The attention to Mr. Xi is in large part because he will exit the Party Congress with even greater power, no discernible opposition, and a new five-year term (with more likely to follow). And many of the constraints that may have been in place not to jeopardize his reappointment will be gone.
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May 27, 2021
'Demography + Technology is Destiny'
The census showed that the number of births nationwide fell to the lowest level since 1961, following a nationwide, manmade, famine caused by Mao’s “Great Leap Forward” that killed tens of millions of people, and that China’s total population could peak in the next few years.
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May 27, 2021
'China: Births Falling'
‘China’s total population could peak in the next few years, spurring profound changes for the world’s second-biggest economy.’
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May 27, 2021
'Demography + Technology is Destiny'
The census showed that the number of births nationwide fell to the lowest level since 1961, following a nationwide, manmade, famine caused by Mao’s “Great Leap Forward” that killed tens of millions of people, and that China’s total population could peak in the next few years.
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May 27, 2021
'China: Getting Old Before Getting Rich'
‘Over the past two generations, China has seen a collapse in fertility, exacerbated by Beijing’s ruthless population-control programs.’ ‘With decades of extremely low fertility in its immediate past, decades more of that to come, and no likelihood of mass immigration, China will see its population peak by 2027.’
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May 27, 2021
'China Bets on Productivity Over Population to Drive Its Economy'
‘Beijing has a two-pronged approach to maintaining economic growth as its population shrinks.’ ‘First, it intends to slow the decline of the urban workforce by raising the retirement age and encouraging migration of more of the country’s 510 million rural residents to cities.’ ‘Second, it plans to raise productivity -- a measure of economic output per worker -- with the latest five-year plan emphasizing better vocational education and more investment in scientific research, automation and digital infrastructure.’ [see second chart above]
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May 27, 2021
'China: Getting Old Before Getting Rich'
‘Over the past two generations, China has seen a collapse in fertility, exacerbated by Beijing’s ruthless population-control programs.’ ‘With decades of extremely low fertility in its immediate past, decades more of that to come, and no likelihood of mass immigration, China will see its population peak by 2027.’
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May 27, 2021
'China: Births Falling'
‘China’s total population could peak in the next few years, spurring profound changes for the world’s second-biggest economy.’
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May 27, 2021
'Why Demographics is (Close to) Destiny'
‘Demographics may not be destiny, but for students of geopolitics, they come close.’
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May 27, 2021
'Sex and the Chinese Economy'
‘A rise in China’s male-female ratio may have contributed to between one-third and one-half of the increase in its trade surplus with other countries.’ ‘The sex imbalance thus likely underpins an important source of tension between China and the US. Yet bilateral engagement has paid scant attention to this linkage.’
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May 27, 2021
'Lousy demographics will not stop China’s rise'
‘The old maxim ‘demography is destiny’ no longer holds in the same way that it used to.’ ‘A shrinking and ageing population may not have the same gloomy implications in the 21st century.’
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May 20, 2021
'Apple in China: No Plan B'
“This business model only really fits and works in China. But then you’re married to China.” ‘The Chinese government was starting to pass laws that gave the country greater leverage over Apple, and Mr. Xi would soon start seeking concessions. Apple had no Plan B.’
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May 20, 2021
'Tim Cook and Apple Bet Everything on China.'
‘For Apple, a clean break with China is impossible.’
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May 20, 2021
'Apple held hostage by its Chinese puzzle'
"The massive and complete supply chain ecosystem in China is key to the iPhone maker's success, but it has also created a gigantic organism that would struggle to move somewhere else."
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May 20, 2021
‘Censorship, Surveillance and Profits: A Hard Bargain for Apple in China’
‘Apple built the world’s most valuable business on top of China. Now it has to answer to the Chinese government.’
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May 20, 2021
Apple in China
‘But just as Mr. Cook figured out how to make China work for Apple, China is making Apple work for the Chinese government.’ ‘Behind the scenes, Apple has constructed a bureaucracy that has become a powerful tool in China’s vast censorship operation.’
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May 20, 2021
'Apple Reaches $2 Trillion'
“This business model only really fits and works in China. But then you’re married to China.” ‘The Chinese government was starting to pass laws that gave the country greater leverage over Apple, and Mr. Xi would soon start seeking concessions. Apple had no Plan B.’
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May 15, 2021
‘Scenario Three: Leadership Challenge or Coup
‘By removing de jure term limits on the office of the presidency — and thus far refusing to nominate his successor for this and his other leadership positions — Xi has solidified his own authority at the expense of the most important political reform of the last four decades: the regular and peaceful transfer of power.’
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May 15, 2021
Invitation to a Trivium Flash Talk: 'China's Data Environment from a Big-Picture Perspective.’
‘This talk is designed to cut through the tech and legal jargon, and lay out the top-level strategic rationale underpinning China's thinking on data. We'll cover:’
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May 15, 2021
Invitation to a Trivium Flash Talk: 'China's Data Environment from a Big-Picture Perspective.’
‘This talk is designed to cut through the tech and legal jargon, and lay out the top-level strategic rationale underpinning China's thinking on data. We'll cover:’
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May 15, 2021
After Xi: A Succession Crisis to Rock the World
A new risk to add to your analyses and strategic planning: A succession crisis in China. By removing term limits on his stay in office and by not naming a successor, Secretary General Xi Jinping ‘has pushed China towards a potential destabilising succession crisis, one with profound implications for the international order and global commerce,’ writes Richard McGregor of the Lowy Institute and Jude Blanchette of the Center for Strategic & International Studies
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May 15, 2021
‘Scenario Four: Unexpected Death or Incapacitation'
‘Even if the CCP’s claim that Xi Jinping has no designs to remain in office for life is true, his evisceration of succession norms leaves the country ill-prepared for his sudden death or incapacitation.’
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May 15, 2021
'Regime change in China is not only possible, it is imperative.'
‘We must make regime change in China the highest goal of our strategy towards that country.’ ‘The US and its allies cannot dictate to China the political system by which it is governed. But they can and must engineer conditions which embolden and enable those in China who also want regime change to achieve it.’
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May 15, 2021
After Xi: A Succession Crisis to Rock the World
A new risk to add to your analyses and strategic planning: A succession crisis in China. By removing term limits on his stay in office and by not naming a successor, Secretary General Xi Jinping ‘has pushed China towards a potential destabilising succession crisis, one with profound implications for the international order and global commerce,’ writes Richard McGregor of the Lowy Institute and Jude Blanchette of the Center for Strategic & International Studies
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May 15, 2021
'Regime change in China is not only possible, it is imperative.'
‘We must make regime change in China the highest goal of our strategy towards that country.’ ‘The US and its allies cannot dictate to China the political system by which it is governed. But they can and must engineer conditions which embolden and enable those in China who also want regime change to achieve it.’
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May 15, 2021
'After Xi: China's potentially destabilising succession crisis'
‘By removing de jure term limits on the office of the presidency — and thus far refusing to nominate his successor for this and his other leadership positions — Xi has solidified his own authority at the expense of the most important political reform of the last four decades: the regular and peaceful transfer of power.’ ‘In doing so, he has pushed China towards a potential destabilising succession crisis, one with profound implications for the international order and global commerce.’
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May 15, 2021
‘Scenario One & Two: Xi Steps Down'
‘In this scenario, Xi thwarts the current consensus by handing over his leadership positions to at least one individual from the current Politburo Standing Committee (as per existing regulations).’
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May 12, 2021
The Poem that Cost Billions
The billion dollar losses that came from quoting an 1,100-year-old poem, toWhy foreign companies in China have Stockholm Syndrome
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May 10, 2021
'A 1,100-Year-Old Poem Cost Meituan’s Outspoken CEO US $2.5 Billions'
‘On Monday, because of an 1,100-year old poem about events 2,200 years ago posted by the founder of food delivery giant Meituan, investors panicked, and sank the company’s market cap by $15.6 billion. And Meituan CEO Wang Xing, who posted the poem, lost $2.5 billion of his wealth.’
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May 9, 2021
'The Housing Bubble That Just Won’t Pop'
‘China’s cities are plagued by a diverging trend: high demand and exorbitant prices for residential properties in tier 1 cities and yet an oversupply in smaller, lower-tiered cities.’
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May 7, 2021
'Would China really invade Taiwan?'
‘Is Taiwan really "the most dangerous place on earth?" No. Or at least, not right now.’
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May 7, 2021
'Don't Help China By Hyping Risk Of War Over Taiwan'
‘China is marshaling its full range of capabilities to intensify pressure on Taiwan below the threshold of conflict.’ ‘Beijing's goal is to constantly remind Taiwan's people of its growing power, induce pessimism about Taiwan's future, deepen splits within the island's political system and show that outside powers are impotent to counter its flexes.' ‘Its approach is guided by the Chinese aphorism, "Once ripe, the melon will drop from its stem [瓜熟蒂落]," ’‘This strategy may require more time than war, but it would come at less cost and risk to Beijing.’
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May 7, 2021
'China Threat: A "perception gap" between the U.S. and Taiwan'
‘While the U.S. talks up the medium-term military threat, the democratic island sees the moves as part of a bigger, more immediate problem: "gray zone" warfare from Beijing that is meant to wear down the morale of not just the Taiwanese military, but also the island's people.’
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May 7, 2021
'The most dangerous place on Earth'
‘Taiwan is an arena for the rivalry between China and America.’ ‘Although the United States is not treaty-bound to defend Taiwan, a Chinese assault would be a test of America’s military might and its diplomatic and political resolve.’
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May 7, 2021
'The Most Dangerous Place on Earth'
‘China's top priority now and in the foreseeable future is to deter Taiwan independence rather than compel unification,’ note Richard Bush (Brookings (retired)), Bonnie Glaser (German Marshall Fund in America), and Ryan Hass (Brookings Institution)
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