BIG IDEA | 'The radical forces in Hong Kong thought they were strong!’
'They had received direct support from foreign countries (including the US and the UK), with smooth channels to forge alliances.’
'But they have gone too far, threatening the stability of Hong Kong. ‘They have defied the Chinese constitution.’ So Beijing has made up its mind to right these wrongs with institutional leverage. As a result, all kinds of forces of resistance have come crumbling down.’
'What is the use of support from Washington and London? Do they dare send warships to Hong Kong's doorstep to menace it?’
My Take
Mr. Hu reflects a lot of the feelings about Hong Kong that I've read in Chinese media and Chinese social media. Many feel that Hong Kongers are spoilt and have it easy for too long, while the rest of the Chinese people have struggled and created a great economy and society. No sympathy. Time of the citizens of Hong Kong to realize that also citizens of the PRC.