
China Tests Biden

In today’s issue: 1. China Tests Biden Over Taiwan / 2. The UK Stands Up, the U.S. Not So Much / 3. Why Impeding U.S.-China Capital Flows Isn't Easy



January 31, 2021
China Tests Biden

In today’s issue:

1. China Tests Biden Over Taiwan

  • 'Top Conflicts to Watch in 2021: The Danger of U.S.-China Confrontation Over Taiwan'
  • ‘Analysis: China tests Biden on Taiwan, with eye on another island’
  • 'Biden’s Nightmare May Be China,' by Nick Kristoff

2. The UK Stands Up, the U.S. Not So Much

  • 'Hong Kong’s Escape Routes'
  • 'U.K. Opens Its Doors to Five Million Hong Kong Residents'
  • 'Ted Cruz, Chinese Communist Party Agree: Keep Hongkongers Trapped in China'

3. Why Impeding U.S.-China Capital Flows Isn't Easy

  • 'China is exploiting U.S. capital markets and workers. Here's what Biden should do,' Marco Rubio’
  • 'U.S.-China Capital Flows are Vastly Underestimated'
  • 'Why U.S. Securities Investment in China is Vastly Underestimated'

China has tested President Biden during his first week in office.

  • That’s not unusual – it’s become conventional wisdom that adversaries will test a new U.S. president.
  • What makes this first test a little unusual is that it was over the U.S. and China’s most contentious issue: Taiwan

As explained in the Nikkei Asian Review’s ‘Analysis: China tests Biden on Taiwan’:

  • ‘On Monday evening, as Chinese people were looking at their smartphones, watching their leader Xi Jinping talk about the importance of global cooperation at an online conference hosted by the World Economic Forum, alerts flashed across many screens.’
  • ‘It was an analysis piece by Chinese media, mocking a U.S. State Department statement that urged China to "cease its military, diplomatic and economic pressure against Taiwan." ’
  • ‘The State Department statement, issued spokesperson Ned Price on Saturday U.S. time, had taken issue with 13 Chinese military aircraft entering Taiwan's air defense identification zone earlier that day.’

‘The U.S. needed to respond.’

  • ‘If Washington had stayed silent, it could have sent the wrong signal, leading China to believe the Biden administration may be hesitant to take action even if China made military maneuvers against Taiwan.’

‘ "Pressure?" the analysis piece asked. "As everybody knows, the People's Liberation Army's combat-readiness flights in the airspace of the Taiwan Strait have become a norm." ’

  • ‘China needs nobody's permission to decide what and when to fly, it said.’
  • ‘The headline called the U.S. statement a "joke." ’
  • ‘On Sunday, another 15 Chinese aircraft flew into Taiwan's air defense identification zone, or ADIZ, according to the island's Defense Ministry.’

‘What is noteworthy is that the Chinese military planes flew between the main island of Taiwan and Pratas Island southwest of it.’

  • ‘The island, which sits in a strategic location in the South China Sea, is closer to Hong Kong than to the rest of Taiwan, though it is under Taiwan's control.’
  • ‘And it is at Pratas Island where a behind-the-scenes tug-of-war is being played out between the U.S. and China.’

Nick Kristoff of The New York Times picks up the theme in 'Biden’s Nightmare May Be China':

  • 'The first thing to say is that a war with China probably won’t happen.’
  • ‘Yet if it does, it might begin in an obscure place few have heard of, like Pratas or Kinmen’
  • ‘Both are controlled by Taiwan but are closer to China, and some Chinese and Americans alike worry that Chinese President Xi Jinping might invade one island or the other to pressure Taiwan.’

‘Or Xi might send a submarine to snip undersea cables that carry the internet to Taiwan, or he could impede oil deliveries to Taiwan.’

  • ‘Or he might order a cyberattack to bring down Taiwan’s banking system.’

‘Most experts don’t believe that such an assault is likely (an all-out invasion of Taiwan is even less probable), but it is a considerably greater risk than it had been for decades.’

  • ‘And what began on Pratas or Kinmen wouldn’t end there:’
  • ‘The United States would most likely be drawn into perhaps the most dangerous confrontation with another nuclear power since the Cuban missile crisis.’

‘The coming years represent the greatest risks since I began covering U.S.-China relations in the 1980s, partly because Xi is an overconfident, risk-taking bully who believes that the United States is in decline.’

  • ‘ “I think it’s unlikely that there’ll be a military confrontation there, but I don’t rule it out,” said Bonnie Glaser of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.’

‘That seems right to me — but I also worry that we’re wrong.’

  • ‘Few expected Xi to pick fights with India on their shared border, as he has several times in the past year, and heaven help us if he is similarly reckless toward Taiwan and sparks a war with the United States.’

Taiwan has been considered the leading flashpoint for so many years that perhaps we just take the possibility of war for granted.

  • And that of course would be a colossal error.

But as Yun Sun explains in ‘Top Conflicts to Watch in 2021: The Danger of U.S.-China Confrontation Over Taiwan’:

  • ‘While people appear to believe that the Biden administration will strive to avoid acute crisis with China over Taiwan, U.S. policy toward Taiwan only reflects half of the story.’
  • ‘The other, and more important half is from China.’

‘At least two factors contribute to China’s increasingly destabilizing stance:’

  • ‘the belief that DPP is seeking “Taiwan independence,” and’
  • ‘the indispensability of unification for China’s rise and for Xi’s glory.’

‘In this sense, the trajectory of China’s coercion will only intensify rather than subside.’  

So, China will likely continue to test Mr. Biden on Taiwan.

  • And any of those tests could lead to the miscalculation that ends in war.
  • If that happens, it will be no 'black swan' - but you can sure that is what those who didn't factor in the risk will call it.

While China was testing Mr. Biden on Taiwan, the UK was in one sense testing China on Hong Kong. As The Wall Street Journal reports:

  • ‘In an unusual move that is exacerbating tensions with Beijing, Britain has opened its doors to as many as five million residents of its former colony.’
  • ‘As of Sunday, holders of British National Overseas passports—which are available to Hong Kong citizens born in the territory before it was handed back to China in 1997—can move with their families to the U.K. on five-year visas.’

British Prime MinisterBoris Johnson said:“We have honored our profound ties of history and friendship with the people of Hong Kong, and we have stood up for freedom and autonomy—values both the U.K. and Hong Kong hold dear.”

  • And The Wall Street Journal said: ‘To its eternal credit, the British government is honoring its promise to its former colonial subjects by offering a path to citizenship for Hong Kongers who hold British National (Overseas) passports and their family members.'

If only the same 'eternal credit' attached to the U.S.

  • In December, the House passed the bipartisan ‘Hong Kong People's Freedom and Choice Act of 2020, which would grant political asylum to any resident of Hong Kong who arrives in the United States, allowing them to remain in the country legally after the expiration of any other visa.’

The bill died in the Senate thanks to Ted Cruz.

  • First, he called the bill a Democratic plot to "advance their long-standing goals on changing immigration laws."
  • Second, he argued that China would use the special immigration status to slip its agents into the United States.

The contradiction shown in Mr. Cruz’s own family history was pointed out in several commentaries. An essay in reason, ‘'Ted Cruz, Chinese Communist Party Agree: Keep Hongkongers Trapped in China,' noted:

  • ‘Cruz's father, Rafael, fled Cuba in 1957 with little more than a student visa and $100 sewn into his underwear—an oft-repeated detail that effectively conveys both the fear and hopefulness of the refugee experience.’
  • ‘Importantly, he was granted political asylum when his student visa expired.’
  • ‘If not for that last detail, it's highly unlikely that Rafael's son would have ever had the chance to stand on the floor of the U.S. Senate and declare, as he did on Friday, that America ought to make it more difficult for individuals and families to flee other oppressive communist regimes.’

Making Mr. Cruz’s opposition even more problematic:

  • ‘The United States already extends that special status to refugees from 10 other countries, and the bill would have merely added Hong Kong to the list.’

The U.S. financial markets have been targeted for decoupling for some time now. Part of the reason is explained by Senator Marco Rubio in his op-ed, 'China is exploiting U.S. capital markets and workers.'

  • 'For decades, establishment elites in our nation’s two major political parties ignored — and oftentimes furthered — the Chinese Communist Party’s efforts to undermine our national security, industrial capacity and the well-being of American workers.’
  • ‘The greatest example of this is China’s exploitation of U.S. capital markets and Wall Street’s role in facilitating the transactions that transfer American investment to malicious Chinese companies.’

‘China can finance its industrial ambitions with the deepest, most liquid capital markets in the world — our own.’

  • ‘In Congress, we must continue our bipartisan efforts to stop China’s exploitation of U.S. finance. I will soon be reintroducing my American Financial Markets Integrity and Security Act, which would ban malicious Chinese companies from operating in U.S. capital markets.’

But Chinese companies ‘exploiting’ U.S. capital markets is only a part of the picture.

  • There is also the matter of U.S. investment in Chinese securities.

Until the publication ofUS-China Financial Investment: Current Scope and Future Potential, A Report by the US-China Investment Project,’ policymakers like Mr. Rubio underestimated the amount of bilateral capital flows.

  • And equally important they were unaware of opaque conduits that make calculation difficult.
  • Without this understanding, no way could they limit the capital invested in Chinese securities - they can't hit what they can't see. (Whether these efforts are good policy is another question.)

This 24-page report is a joint effort between the Rhodium Group and the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations.

  • Here is just one highlight:

'The United States is China’s most important financial counterpart, save for Hong Kong. US markets have been critical to Chinese company fundraising.'

  • 'We estimate there was as much as $3.3 trillion in US-China two-way equity and bond holdings (including securities held by central banks as reserves) at the end of 2020—nearly double the official figure of $1.8 trillion.'
  • 'Official underreporting reflects the complex, multi-modal structures that are often used for international securities investments and the challenges statistical agencies have determining securities issuers’ and owners’ nationalities.'

'US holdings of Chinese securities neared $1.2 trillion at the end of 2020.'

  • 'We estimate that US investors held $1.1 trillion in equity and $100 billion in debt securities issued by Chinese entities at the end of 2020.'
  • 'That is about five times the holdings captured in official US data, which shows $211 billion in equity and $29 billion in debt holdings as of September 2020.'
  • 'Most of the disparity is accounted for by firms from China using complex legal structures to issue shares out of tax havens that trade on US exchanges.'

‘Chinese holdings of US securities reached as much as $2.1 trillion.’

  • ‘We estimate Chinese investors held $700 billion in equity and $1.4 trillion in debt securities issued by US entities at the end of 2020.’
  • ‘In comparison, official US data report $240 billion of equity and $1.3 trillion of debt holdings as of September 2020.’
  • ‘Most of this difference is accounted for by equity investments misclassified in official sources due to investor efforts to circumvent Beijing’s capital controls or the use of Hong Kong as an investment intermediary.’

This graphic summarizes the Project’s finding on this topic:

This analysis is spectacular – and, if absorbed by D.C. policymakers and think tank analysts alike, it will have a big impact on how we think about the U.S.-China investment relations.

  • This is one you should definitely read carefully.

CHINADebate, the publisher of the China Macro Reporter, aims to present different views on a given issue. Including an article here does not imply agreement with or endorsement of its contents.



July 2, 2016
China housing: boom, bust, or bubble-or...?
100s of Cities Bubble Up & Down As Policy Makers Press the Levers China hasn’t collapsed. And, the bubble hasn’t burst because there may not be just one big real estate bubble. Instead, there are 100s of sizable cities, each moving in its own cycle, each responding to how its local policymakers stimulate & tighten-stimulate & tighten, and each having performance divergent from that of other cities. Watch here to see how city-level markets bubble up and bubble down...
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March 31, 2021
Chinese Boycotts are the Least of Your Worries
‘For chief executives [and boards] around the world, watching the Chinese government go after Swedish clothier Hennes & Mauritz AB is excruciating — facing the evaporation of your hard-won China business over political issues largely out of your control,’ writes Michael Schuman in Bloomberg.’ ‘But it could be the new normal.’ ‘As relations between China and the U.S. and its allies deteriorate, Western businesses could increasingly get dragged into the fray.’
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March 31, 2021
'The Threat the U.S. Isn't Answering'
‘If BRI meets little competition or resistance, Beijing could become the hub of global trade, set important technical standards that would disadvantage non-Chinese companies, lock countries into carbon-intensive power generation, have greater influence over countries’ political decisions, and acquire more power-projection capabilities for its military.’
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March 31, 2021
'China Is Missing from the Great Inflation Debate'
‘Once again, massive fiscal spending in the United States has invited warnings of inflation and triggered dark memories of the 1970s. But these fears are based on a model that has since been obliterated by economic realities – not least the rise of China, which has fundamentally reshaped the US and global economies.’
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March 31, 2021
'Dominating the Digital Silk Road'
‘China’s Belt and Road Portal reports the Digital Silk Road has enabled six thousand Chinese internet companies and more than ten thousand Chinese technology products to enter foreign markets.’
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March 31, 2021
'Biden administration maintains Trump policy on Hong Kong'
'State department concludes territory should not receive preferential treatment under US law.'
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March 31, 2021
'China Owns, Partially Owns, or Operates 93 Ports'
‘Chinese firms own, partially own, or operate at least ninety-three ports across the globe.’
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March 30, 2021
'Profit or principle is the hard choice for foreign companies in China' George Magnus
‘Business risks for foreign companies in China are increasing after the recent exchange of sanctions between Beijing and western governments.’‘For foreign companies in China, the options seem delicately balanced. If they stand up for principles, they may put revenues at risk and will incur extra costs as they develop new supply chains. Yet if they prioritise their China profits, they could do irretrievable damage to their brands at home and in other markets, falling foul of shareholders and changing governance requirements.’‘It is an invidious choice but the latter is likely to be far more damaging to longer term performance and earnings, and corrosive of trust in the brand.’
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March 30, 2021
'How China keeps stumbling on the global stage' John Pomfret
‘Across the globe, Xi’s diplomatic representatives in Europe, Beijing, Hong Kong, Canada, Australia and elsewhere, are lifting up rocks and smashing their own feet.’‘The moves are befuddling — with a buoyant economy and a practically covid-free country, China is poised to see its influence rise if it plays it smart. But it’s not; instead, it’s alienating individuals and nations across the world.’‘I’ve been studying China for my entire adult life and I have to admit to being bewildered by China’s performance.’‘But I’m in good company. Thirty-one years ago, the great political scientist Lucian Pye wrote, “Just when all appears to be going well, Chinese officials create problems for seemingly unaccountable reasons.” ’
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March 30, 2021
'An Alliance of Autocracies? China Wants to Lead a New World Order.'
‘The world is increasingly dividing into distinct if not purely ideological camps, with both China and the United States hoping to lure supporters.’
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March 29, 2021
'Global Cycle Notes: U-Turn': China
‘A U-shaped recovery in the services sector beckons, but it’s still difficult to describe just what it will look like. No event in economic history compares, and the range of outcomes for wages, prices, employment, and financial markets is large.’
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March 28, 2021
‘At a Crossroads: The Next Chapter for FinTech in China’
‘As financial innovation has gained traction and the firms driving it have grown into sizeable players, the dynamic between innovators and regulators has begun to shift. Regulatory agencies have started to be more proactive in supervising the activities of technology firms after realizing that the size of many technology firms and FinTechs means they could threaten financial stability and peace in society if their innovation efforts and business practices were overly aggressive.’
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March 28, 2021
'New Trade Representative Says U.S. Isn’t Ready to Lift China Tariffs'
'The U.S. isn’t ready to lift tariffs on Chinese imports in the near future, but might be open to trade negotiations with Beijing, according to U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai.'
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March 28, 2021
China is not just shackling Hong Kong, it is remaking it
After the National People’s Congress, ‘election reform’ in Hong Kong, the dustup between the U.S. and China in Anchorage, and China’s going all ‘Wolf Warrior’ on the EU, that’s not such a bad thing.
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March 26, 2021
Beijing Targets American Business-2
'American businessmen, wishing for simple, lucrative commercial ties, have long resisted viewing U.S.-China relations as an ideological struggle. But strategic guidance issued by the leaders of both countries make clear the matter is settled: The ideological dimension of the competition is inescapable, even central.'
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March 26, 2021
'H&M, Nike Pay With China Boycotts on Xinjiang Human Rights Stance'
‘While both Western and Asian companies have frequently been targets of Chinese nationalism over the years, the latest flurry signals a shift in strategy by President Xi Jinping’s government as it confronts a more unified approach from the U.S. and its allies.’
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March 26, 2021
'The Illiberal Tide'
But even more problematic is that the reporting on any given action by another country may look so benign to the non-Chinese reader that he or she dismisses it as something China, even when it reacts forcefully, couldn’t be serious about. That is a mistake. Too often what looks ‘benign’ to the rest of the world is as serious as a train wreck to Xi Jinping.
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March 26, 2021
Beijing Targets American Business-1
‘Beijing’s message is unmistakable: You must choose.’‘If you want to do business in China, it must be at the expense of American values. ‘‘You will meticulously ignore the genocide of ethnic and religious minorities inside China’s borders; you must disregard that Beijing has reneged on its major promises—including the international treaty guaranteeing a “high degree of autonomy” for Hong Kong; and you must stop engaging with security-minded officials in your own capital unless it’s to lobby them on Beijing’s behalf.’
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March 25, 2021
China Goes All 'Wolf Warrior' on the U.S. & the EU
Today is the Tracker’s first issue. Covered here are two events where China went all 'Wolf Warrior' first on the U.S. and then on the EU.
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March 25, 2021
3 | China explains why it is going all 'Wolf Warrior' on the EU
China has found that bullying works a lot of the time, Why is China engaging in "Wolf Warrior" diplomacy
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March 25, 2021
2 | In Anchorage, Yang Spoke for the Party Leadership
‘Yang's temper tantrum has been interpreted by some commentators as being all about Chinese domestic politics. But it would be a mistake to see Yang's performance as mere bluster designed for home consumption. In Anchorage, he was speaking for the top leadership of the Communist Party.’
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March 25, 2021
2 | More to come?
‘This isn't about siding with America, it's about defending European sovereignty against a bully.’
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March 25, 2021
1 | Bitter Alaska Meeting Complicates Already Shaky U.S.-China Ties
'Mr. Yang, also noted “important disagreements” remained, and in remarks to Chinese state media suggested Beijing wouldn’t back down.'
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March 25, 2021
1 | The first U.S.-EU alliance against China
"Europeans will have to step up their reaction against China after insults, intimidation and sanctions against scholars and MPs. This isn't about siding with America, it's about defending European sovereignty against a bully."
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March 24, 2021
'There Will Not Be a New Cold War' Thomas Christensen
‘China’s vital position in the global production chain and the lack of struggle for ideological supremacy between authoritarianism and liberal democracy mean that the rise of a new Cold War is unlikely.’
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March 21, 2021
Just About in Place
To help us understand the makeup of the team, The Wire China has put together a great chart with bios of each member.
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March 21, 2021
'A Taiwan Crisis May End the American Empire' Niall Ferguson
‘No matter what other issues Kissinger raised — Vietnam, Korea, the Soviets — Zhou steered the conversation back to Taiwan, “the only question between us two.” ’
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March 20, 2021
'After the protests - China is not just shackling Hong Kong, it is remaking it'
‘The old Hong Kong is gone. Judge Mr Xi’s China by what it builds in its place.’
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March 17, 2021
How to Meet the China Challenge
How the Biden administration characterizes the China – strategic competitor, rival, enemy, and the like – and how it develops strategies – containment, confrontation, competition, cooperation, or some combination of these - will have an impact, to a greater or lesser degree, on most every industry and every market.
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March 13, 2021
'China All but Ends Hong Kong Democracy With "Patriots Only" Rule'
‘The National People’s Congress on Thursday approved a drastic overhaul of election rules for Hong Kong that would most likely bar many pro-democracy politicians from competing in elections, cementing Beijing’s grip over the territory.'
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March 13, 2021
'Understanding China’s 2021 Defense Budget'
'Like previous years, the first day of the new National People’s Congress session was highlighted by the widely anticipated announcement of China’s 2021 defense budget. This year it is set at 1.36 trillion yuan ($209.16 billion), a 6.8 percent increase from the 1.27 trillion yuan budget set last year.’
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March 13, 2021
Xi’s Gambit: China Plans for a World Without American Technology
‘China’s new five-year plan, made public on Friday, at the National People’s Congress (NPC), called tech development a matter of national security, not just economic development, a break from the previous plan.’
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March 13, 2021
'The five-year plan's big target - A confident China seeks to insulate itself from the world'
The National People’s Congress concluded on Friday, March 11. As I’ve mentioned before, analyses of the impact of the plans and policies on China and the world will start to come out in a week or two. In the meantime and to keep you immediately informed, today’s issue covers the NPC’s outcomes more generally, beginning with a full summary from The Economist.
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March 12, 2021
‘Enter the Trump Buddha'
“Trump, the Buddha of Knowing of the Western Paradise.”
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March 11, 2021
Artificial Intelligence: How to Beat China
‘China is organized, resourced, and determined to win the technology competition. AI is central to China’s global expansion, economic and military power, and domestic stability.’
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